Diploma in TESOL Level 7 Let's get recognised internationally

English Level Test

Take our English Level test to see which is the best course for you

We organize courses for the preparation and training of teachers for the achievement of international certification TESOL for the qualification to teach English to foreigners. The course includes study materials, classroom lessons with one of our qualified teachers, and the final certification issued by the London Teacher Training College (LTTC).

The LTTC is a world-renowned, accredited training center specializing in the study of English as a foreign language. Founded in 1984, its headquarters are in London. 

The 8-weeks TESOL Classroom Programme will give students an introduction to the theory and practice of English teaching.

Entry Requirements: 

  • Minimum 21 years of age
  • Any degree holder
  • English proficiency: minimum B2 or upper-intermediate  
Who can take this course?
  • If you need a English teaching qualification or want to upgrade your existing teaching qualifications

  • If you want a recognised, top-quality TEFL certificate or diploma recognised by employers

Course benefits
  • Globally recognised and respected by employers

  • TQUK endorsed qualification

  • Lifetime qualification

  • Native English Instructor with CELTA and TESOL diplomas

  • Your passport to a career in English language teaching

  • Certificate verification by London Teacher Training College

  • Full printed handbook course material

  • Boost your CV and your future employment potential

  • Interactive classroom based course

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By the end of this module you should:

  1. be aware of the nature of language
  2. have a knowledge of the different varieties of language
  3. understand what constitutes error in language
  4. understand how language is acquired
  5. know which methodologies can be used to teach English
  6. know the principles on which modern language teaching is based

Introduction: Learners' aims; different teaching situations.

Section A
  1. What is language?
  2. What is language for? Communication, control, socialization, thought, feelings
  3. Language varieties Historical, geographical and social dialect; Register: age, sex, status, role; topic, medium, style
  4. Appropriateness and error Communicative competence, mistakes, errors, teaching model.
Section B
  1. Second language acquisition; Classical conditioning, creative learning, motivation
  2. Second language acquisition Classical conditioning, creative learning, motivation
  3. Language teaching methodologies Grammar-translation, direct methods, structural approach, audio-lingual approach, cognitive code, immersion method, lexical approach
  4. Language teaching principles Selection, grading, contextualization, repetition, practice Tasks and self -correcting exercises Essays to be submitted Further reading


By the end of this module you should:

  1. be aware of the aids available to the language teacher
  2. know many of the techniques for using them
  3. know what is involved in developing language skills
  4. know how the aids and techniques can be used to do this
Section A
  1. Aural/oral skills: General principles, receptive v. productive skills.
  2. Teaching pronunciation: General points, discriminating sounds, producing sounds, stress and intonation.
  3. Language drills: Contextualized drills, substitution tables.
  4. Question and answer: Ten types and five levels
  5. Dialogues, drama and role play
  6. Extensive and intensive listening: Stories, comprehension passages, dictation
  7. Flashcards and wordcards
  8. Exploiting the blackboard
  9. Realia
  10. Pictures and charts: Magazine picture library, wall charts.
  11. Songs and rhymes
  12. Games and puzzles
  13. Electronic aids
Section B
  1. Reading and writing skills: Different learners, reading skills, writing skills
  2. Teaching the script: Phonic method, look-and-say method, pre-reading activities, reading activities, letter formation
  3. Teaching spelling: Spelling and reading, sound to symbol, symbol to sound
  4. Composition from guided to free: Labelling, answers to questions, substitution tables, guided composition, free composition
  5. Intensive reading: Progression of reading skills, reading activities.
  6. Extensive reading: Readability, graded readers, reading records.
  7. Exploiting texts: Using authentic texts, simplifying texts.
  8. Integrated skills: The four skills, translation.


By the end of the unit you should:

  1. be aware of the factors affecting teaching aims
  2. know what is involved in syllabus design
  3. have a procedure for evaluating textbooks
  4. understand the role of the teacher and have a basis for self-evaluation
  5. be aware of the different modes of classroom interaction
  6. be able to plan effective lessons
  7. have a fund of ideas for planning lessons
Section A
  1. Teaching Aims
    Course aims, sample syllabuses, textbook evaluation.
  2. Class organisation
    Role of the teacher, modes of interaction, class layout
Section B
  1. Lesson Planning
    Preparation, presentation, practice, testing, revision
  2. Sample Lesson Plans
    Tasks and self correcting exercises

Tasks and self correcting exercises
Essays and work to be submitted
Further reading


By the end of the module you should:

  1. have a knowledge of the main concerns of linguistic theory
  2. know many linguistic terms and categories
  3. be able to approach linguistic texts with confidence
  4. have started to relate linguistic theory to the practice of teaching
  5. be thinking more clearly about the content of what you teach
Section A
  1. Phonetics and Phonology. The distinction between them, how sounds are made, phonemes, consonants, vowels, stress, rhythm, intonation.
  2. Morphology. Nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs
  3. Vocabulary. Words, morphemes, collocation, meaning, subordination
  4. Grammar.Parts of speech, clause, phrase, auxiliary and modal verbs, verb classes, tense systems and uses, complex verb phrases, noun classes, determiners, adjectives, pronouns and proforms, prepositions, conjunctions, conditionals
Section B
  1. Applications of Linguistics to Language Teaching Error analysis, phonology, vocabulary selection, sentence complexity

  • Assignment
    • 2 essays each module
    • lesson plans
    • presentations
Tuition Fee: 1'475'000
Diploma in TESOL Level 7